Learn English with Dianna

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    My ‘get up and go’ got up and went!

    th (1)“Get up and go” is an idiom or slang for motivation. And we all know that motivation to learn anything comes and goes! Life is busy – sometimes we have other priorities, we don’t know where to start, or we procrastinate as we just don’t feel like pushing ourselves. These ups and downs are part of a natural cycle, but they can become a problem if we stay unmotivated for too long as they get in the way of achieving our goals.  How motivated are you at the moment?


    Think about the reasons why you feel this way – They may be things in class, at home, at work…)

    (eg. Reflect on which study activities are making you feel good; reward yourself for hard work with a little treat…)

    Think of two or three things to try. (eg. Change the time of day you try to study, get a study partner for learning vocab…)    

    Keep track of YOUR motivation to learn – download the motivation chart as a PDF!


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